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Oct. 19, 2022

I Am Blessed

Sometimes in life you come across those people who truly make an impact. In Episode 149, I have special guest, Jessica Simmons. She is such a person. I met Jessica through being a pen pal. We have written to each other for years. Although we share a lot in our letters, I never realized the full impact of the situation that changed her life. It was through interviewing her for my podcast that she was able to share her story. 

In life, as with all of us, we sometimes make those decisions that will forever change us. Jessica had such a decision. She was involved in a terrible accident a few years into her marriage to her first husband. It was an accident that would forever leave consequences. It was a miracle that she even survived. 

After her accident, Jessica was faced with a choice; the choice began in the beginning of her marriage and came to a climax after her accident. She would have to choose between being bitter or take the road less travelled: forgiveness. She chose the latter. When forgiveness was given out, what came to her was peace. It was by forgiving the person who had hurt her so deeply that she found freedom and the road back to Jesus Christ. 

With each episode, I pray and ask the Lord to touch someone's heart. I truly hope this one does just that. We aren't promised tomorrow. We aren't promised the next five minutes. We need to give our hearts to the Lord and trust God for the future just as Jessica did. 

I come to understand that I am truly blessed when I hear an episode such as this one. Each day is a gift and one that we should cherish, that we should look for a way to bless someone else and one that we should be thankful for. 

Thank you so much for listening to this episode and past episodes. It is truly an honor to bring to you encouragement and inspiration on the air waves.