The experience of podcasting has brought so many emotions to the table. It has been almost two years since I started on this journey, and to be honest, it has been quite a ride. I have learned not to expect perfection, although I am a true perfectionist. I love podcasting. Meeting amazing people and hearing amazing stories of courage, resilience, faith, and survival are some of the blessings of being in this field. It comes, however, with a lot of responsibilities. I am constantly thinking of future topics, promoting the podcast, experiencing down feelings when I don't see the results that I had hoped; a few among many.
Being able to air these topics and meet people has given me an eye opener to a world that I didn't know existed. Sometimes, in my little world, I feel safe and secure. I have heard so many stories of people whose world fell apart at the hand of those they trusted. I have chatted with people who experienced extreme abuse, depression and devastation, only to come out the other side with courage and resilience.
In my little world there is safety, peace and security. It wasn't always that way. My story isn't like everyone else's, but it is my story. I get to share my story with others and bring a hope that, even though there is chaos in your life, there is hope.
The why for my podcasting has been to bring hope and inspiration to the listener. I often get a little depressed when the numbers don't match what my head was wishing for. However, if I can reach just one, then I have accomplished what my heart is desiring.
Recently, I have had some amazing guests, who have made a great impact in the world of science. I have had some who, after having experienced loss, came to bring hope to those in the same situation.
Podcasting is taking the air by storm. I feel that the Covid epidemic, in a way, made this possible. People were at home and felt disconnected from the world. Families were separated. Jobs were lost. People died. Hope was waning. For those who have a message of hope, I say, keep going. Keep up the good work. Keep going even when you don't see the results you long for. It will come in time. And if we never set the world on fire but only make a few sparks, those sparks may cause a few more sparks which over time will build into a flame.
I had mentioned starting a newsletter, and that may come in time, but for now I will blog here. Putting more on myself at the moment is not the direction that I need to go. I need to do what I can without overloading myself. I am that spark and if, over time, I can help set another, then I will do so with the best of my ability. I can't keep silent. I will use this media to get out my message and help to share the message of others in order to bring some hope to a dying world.
I will expound more on this in future blog posts, but I first give all of the credit to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the reason that I can do what I do. Second, I give credit to my husband for supporting me and coming on as co-host of the podcast. We are a team, and now we are unstoppable. With Jesus I can do all things. We will be sharing with you more episodes on Bible topics and why the authority of the Bible is so important in these last days.
Be vigilant. Be strong. Be courageous. Be you. Be real.
Till next time,